Please note that the Register of Shipping must have received any notified change of register before it must take place. Therefore, we must receive your notification of change e.g. 4/9, 17:00 hrs before 4/9, 17:00 hrs. There is usually a time period of 15 minutes between you completing your signature and receipt in the Register of Shipping. We have first received the form when you receive an e-mail with information about the case number. A notification of change of register cannot be submitted, which is more than a month in the future e.g. 4/9, 17:00 hrs, you are not able to notify of a change of register after 4/9, 17:00 hrs. You can make notifications of a maximum of 28 register changes on one form.
If signed according to the power of attorney, the Register of Shipping must see the original power of attorney at the time of registration. Under certain circumstances, the Register of Shipping can keep a power of attorney, however, there is a maximum validity for 3 months from the date of issue. If you apply for an incorrect change of register or something occurs that you wish to withdraw a notification of change of register, please send an e-mail from the applicant to the Register of Shipping, SRG@DMA.DK. In the e-mail you must inform us of the date of notification of the change of register and which numbers on the form need to be withdrawn.
Please send original documents to:
The Danish Maritime Authority Register of Shipping Fjordvænget 30 DK-4220 Korsør