Real estate agents (temporary provision and establishment)


If you wish to pursue your profession as a real estate agent in Denmark, you will need approval from the Danish Business Authority.

Dette skal du bruge:

If you wish to pursue your profession as a real estate agent in Denmark, you will have to apply to The Danish Business Authority. In the application you must use this form: Application for admission to register of real estate agents.

To complete your application you will also need to submit the following:

  1. attestation that the applicant has residence in Denmark, another EU-country, EEA-country or in Switzerland

  2. attestations of professional competence or evidence of formal qualifications giving access to pursue the profession of real estate agent

  3. attestation of the applicant's relevant professional experience where applicable

  4. attestation of security pledged

  5. attestation that the applicant is not subject to an administration order or entered into bankruptcy proceedings under equivalent rules applicable in the country of establishment

  6. attestation that the applicant is of legal age, not under guardianship, co-guardianship or legal restrictions with regard to entering into contracts or managing their own estate under equivalent rules applicable in the country of establishment

  7. attestation that the applicant is not indebted to the State for a sum exceeding DKK 50,000

Documents as mentioned in number 4-7, must not be older than 3 months when submitted.

You can upload your application via the "Start"-button or send your application to the Danish Business Authority by letter, fax or e-mail. You can find the contact information below.