You have to use your MitID signature to log in when you want to report an industrial injury in EASY.
Your MitID must have the correct rights linked to it. Otherwise you will not be able to submit a report.
There are six different rights for EASY. The rights to be assigned to you will depend on who you are.
You can assign and be assigned EASY rights via NemLog-in.
It is important that reports from the ‘open’ reporting service are completed and finished since they alone are not treated as a timely report following the Workers' Compensation Act.
All employees can start a report in the ‘open’ solution if your company has decided to use it. When you have reporting rights in EASY, you will be presented with those reports ‘Ready for approval’ in your overview. You can also find them through the ‘search’ tool.
You can delete a report that is ready for approval if it already has been reported or it doesn’t concern an industrial injury.
No data processing agreement is created between the employer and AES, even if the employer sends personal data on employees to AES.
This is because the employer and AES each process personal data for their own purposes.
The employer is the data controller for the personal data on employees that it holds and forwards to AES. However, AES is also the data controller for the data that it receives from the employer. This is because AES is obliged to receive the information as part of its processing of cases involving industrial injuries.
A data processing agreement should not be created between two data controllers.
There should only be a data processing agreement if one of the parties acts as a data controller for the other party.
Nor should there be a data processing agreement between the employer and the Danish Working Environment Authority. The same rules as for AES are applicable here.
Access to report in EASY Following the rules of GDPR data in EASY is only stored as long as necessary, which typically is until the case has been processed.
This means that you, as an employer, can see all reports you have made a year back.
The limitation of one year applies to all reports. This includes reports where the injured party is unable to work one day after the accident or you as an employer have agreed to report the accident following the Workers' Compensation Act and reports where you as an employer have declined to have it sent to AES for further assessment following the law.
If you need to be able to access reports that are more than one year old you must store them in your own system. If you do so, you must still follow the rules of GDPR.
In case your company has more than 400 accidents in the same year you need to make multiple searches where you change the dates otherwise you will only get an extraction for the most recent 400 reports. Anonymised extraction of data As an employer you also have the possibility to extract anonymised data from EASY to show reports from the last five years. Data will be accessible in a spreadsheet which is printable or can be saved on your computer.
Use the button ‘Download anonymised data’, which you will find in ‘Overview’ in the ‘Reported’ tab once you have logged on EASY.
You can use the data to take preventive measures or as part of the company's injury profile when taking out new insurance.
If any of your employees dies at work or because of a work accident, you must notify AES of the death within 48 hours by phoning 20 42 63 97.
You are also obliged to notify the insurance company with which you have taken out industrial injury insurance.
The death must also be reported as a work accident in EASY even if you have notified AES and your insurance company.