The pilotage service provider has to be registered in the register of the Danish Maritime Authority of companies authorised to perform pilotage activities in Denmark, cf. section 24(2) of the pilotage act, before the transit pilotages applied for are to be performed. It is not a requirement that the pilotage service provider is registered at the time of application.
The pilotage service provider’s pilots must have all the required certificates that are required by the pilotage legislation before the transit pilotages are to be performed.
The pilotage service provider must document established procedures that, in the opinion of the Danish Maritime Authority, are sufficient to ensure that the pilotage service provider will comply with the pilotage act and orders issued pursuant the act.
A pilotage service provider being granted an authorisation cannot transfer its authorisation to other pilotage service providers, but must perform the pilotages by itself by means of hired pilots.
All Danish and foreign private pilotage service providers (see the above definition of a private pilotage service provider) can apply for authorisation.