Marine Engineer (on fishing vessels) (establishment)


If you want to work on a permanent basis as a Marine Engineer in Denmark you need to apply to the Danish Maritime Authority for authorization or similar official recognition.

Dette skal du bruge:

There is no application form. Instead, write a letter stating your profession and explaining that you wish to work on a permanent basis. You should apply via the "Start"-button and enclose the documents mentioned below:

  • Proof of nationality, for example, a copy of identity card or passport

  • Proof of your professional experience, e.g. attestations from employers identifying the professional activity and its duration (if any)

  • Proof that you have practiced the profession for at least two years in the last ten in your Member State of establishment, if your profession is not regulated in that country (for example, attestations from previous employers identifying the professional activity and its duration), if relevant

  • Your contact information: first name and family name, address, phone and e-mail, if any. If somebody else is sending the documents, e.g. a company sending documents on your behalf: The sender's name, address, phone and e-mail, if any.

  • Medical aptitude certificate

  • Seafarer’s certificate (copy of the original document including endorsements)

  • Documentation of seagoing service