Reporting of pesticide use on golf courses in the IT-system 'Greendata' (EN)


Golf courses must report the pesticide use (name and amount of each pesticide) and size of the golf course sections in 'Greendata' every year. Reporting takes place between 1.January and 1. March the following year.

Dette skal du bruge:

To access Greendata, the CVR-number and P-number of the golf course must first be recorded in 'Greendata'. This is done by sending an e-mail to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): and stating the name, CVR number and P-number of the golf course.

Feel free to write 'Greendata' in the subject field of the e-mail. It is the CVR number and P number of the legally responsible person, or entity, for the the golf course, that must be reported and registered.

Once the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has set up the golf course in Greendata, users can log on to Greendata.

Once you have logged in, further contact information for the golf course must be filled in. You report the pesticide use and the size of each course elements (tee, fairway, rpough, semirough and green). Based on these data, the pesticide load for each golf course element pr. ha is calculated. The pesticide load for each golf course is published annually on the website of the Danish EPA.

There is also a voluntary opportunity to report the use amounts of fertilizer (NPK), water and fuel, which the Danish Environmental Protection Agency then forwards to the 'Danish Golf Union' (DGU).